Real I.S. has reallocated the roles within its German asset management division.
Christopher Sodl will lead the asset management office team.
Real I.S. currently manages office real estate worth around €7.2 billion.
In future, Maximilian Ludwig’s team will be responsible for residential properties, besides retail, hotel und logistics real estate. Two recognised experts, Markus König (Residential) and Katja Meqdam (Senior Living) have also been recruited for the team.
“Our asset management division has grown steadily in recent years, especially in our target market of Germany. This has been accompanied by a rise in staff numbers, making the individual teams increasingly large. The purpose of our restructuring is to take even greater advantage of our synergies and competencies – as well as rewarding the commitment of Maximilian Ludwig and Christopher Sodl,” comments Dr. Pamela Hoerr, Member of the Management Board of Real I.S. AG.
Christopher Sodl joined Real I.S. AG as Director Asset Management in October 2018. He first held various positions at Redevco in Austria and Switzerland before becoming a property development advisor at Flughafen München GmbH. Christopher Sodl studied geography at the University of Vienna in Austria and Real Estate Asset Management at the International Real Estate Business School (IREBS) in Munich, Germany.
Maximilian Ludwig started with Real I.S. AG in 2014 as Director Asset Management. In 2017, he was appointed Head of Asset Management Retail, Hotel & Logistics. Maximilian Ludwig holds a bachelor’s degree in hospitality management from Washington State University, USA and is a trained real estate economist.
Markus König studied civil engineering at Technical University of Munich in Germany and business engineering, with a focus on real estate, at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. In the past 15 years he worked at PATRIZIA, where he started his career as asset manager with responsibility for residential properties. Before he left this company, he was in charge of residential real estate as director of asset management. At Real I.S., he will hold the same post in the team of Maximilian Ludwig.
Katja Meqdam will primarily deal with real estate for senior citizen in future. A real estate economist who qualified at IREBS, she obtained a degree in geography from Ruhr University Bochum, Germany. She subsequently worked for 16 years as a project manager with responsibility for residential real estate, care homes and assisted living at bulwiengesa, before switching as senior consultant to BBE Handelsberatung. Katja Meqdam joined Real I.S. in 2022.